A couple weeks ago, I was at an amazing 3-day event that Red Elephant put on in Orlando. I made new connections and caught up with some people I haven’t seen in person in a while.

When I go to an event like this, it fills me back up.

You see, I LOVE to be around people who just ‘get me’ and my business and want to hear all about what I have been up to. They cheer me on, encourage me and are just full of unconditional love. That fills my heart back up.

It’s not easy building your own business. There are times I question my decisions and times when I question if I am making a difference. And that is why I love to attend events with people who are movers and shakers and up to some pretty big stuff in this world. They inspire me. They have faith in me. And I take it all in and use it for fuel in planning the next steps in my business.

So, here we are in September. The kids are headed back to school… and even some are leaving for college. We just helped our 1st born (baby girl) to her new town. Lots of changes going on. Lots of questions of “what’s next for me?” “What am I going to do now?”

I know, because I have been there.

Can I offer you some sage advice?

DO SOMETHING FOR YOU. Do something that will fill you back up. How about take that class you’ve said you were interested in but never had the time for?

I will be offering some pretty cool stuff coming up this Fall, so stay tuned… Maybe you want to learn to meditate, or learn about what the “energy body” is, or start questioning what you are you really here to do?